The Doctor Said What???????

09 Jan

I’m the one wearing orange, next to my sister wearing a hat.

From an early age I have struggled with my weight.  During both of my pregnancies I dealt with gestational diabetes.  A few years later I found out that I now have Type II diabetes, just like my parents!!!!  I find it interesting that during my pregnancies I stayed on top of my sugars.  I counted my carbohydrates religiously.  When most women gained weight I lost weight.  Heck, after my daughter was born I was smaller than I had been when I married my husband.  I even tried on my wedding gown, and smiled when it actually fit.  I should have continued the diabetic diet, for soon I gained all my pre-pregnancy weight – plus some.

Yesterday I received a wake up call from my doctors office.  I am in the early stages of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy, meaning that I have nerve damage in my feet and hands.   I am now waiting for my A1C numbers to come back to tell me what my blood sugars have been doing in the last 3 months.  I have not been pricking myself every day like I should, and now I am paying the price.  Well, that and I haven’t been eating very healthy.  In fact I ate a scrumptious piece of peach cobbler the day before my appointment.  My taste buds really enjoyed it, I am pretty sure my pancreas did not!!!!!!

My first SMART goal of the year:  Managing my Diabetes!!!!!

Specific – In order for me to manage my diabetes I want to start following a diabetic diet.  This will include 3 meals and 2-3 snacks per day staying within 20-60 carbs.  I will begin an exercise program.  I will check my blood sugars at least once a day.  Make a list of foods that I need to avoid

Measurable – I will keep a food journal to keep track of the foods I eat, my carbohydrate intake, my daily exercise, and my blood sugar numbers, and my moods.  By keeping track of these things I will be able to discern how my sugars are affecting my moods, I will be able to find patterns in unhealthy eating – and find out what my triggers in regards to food choices.  The outcome I am looking for is to keep my blood sugars in check, to not have the nerve damage increase, and hopefully to lose weight.

Attainable:  I know that there are several obstacles that may block my path.   We need a family meeting to discuss how managing my diabetes will affect our family eating habits.   Certain foods and snacks are triggers for me. I know that mood affects my eating habits.  I need to find a support system that works.

Relevant/Realistic:   For me this part of the goal is the hardest.  How do I measure whether my goals are relevant or realistic.  I know that managing my diabetes is crucial to my overall well being (physical and mental).  I have young children, and I want to be there both physically and emotionally for them.

Time Bound:  Keeping my goals timely or time bound will help me stay focused on what I want to accomplish.  I know that I can devote the time and energy to managing my health.  I can keep track of my progress.  For me there are several factors in having this goal be timely.

  • DAILY –  I will check my sugars when I first wake up in the morning and after meals.  After meals I will write what I have eaten and how many carbs/calories.
  • WEEKLY – Each Friday I will review my food journal.
  • MONTHLY – I will revisit my SMART goal and see where I am.
  • QUARTERLY – Check my A1C

There you have it!  I guess you could say that 2015 is the year that I work on creating a better me – I will follow my treatment plan for depression and anxiety, I will maintain a clean and organized home, I will manage my diabetes.   I am making a commitment to myself, and my family.


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2 responses to “The Doctor Said What???????

  1. Cindi

    January 9, 2015 at 10:14 pm

    Oh Gen–you are so beautiful. And while you’re at it in 2015, allow carbs to slip out of your life. Love!

    • Genevieve

      January 10, 2015 at 12:25 am

      Thank you, I really love and appreciate your support.


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